Eat lead, suckers!

I saw the link for this site over on BoingBoing, I shared it with my friend Gino, and now I pay it forward onto all netizens within the sound of my keystrokes. This site and my enrollment in school are inspiring me to pick up the ole pencil and make with the doodling. If I draw something cool, maybe I'll post it here. On second thought, maybe I'll make a whole new drawing blog. I can even make it open for anyone to post a drawing. A public webfolio, if you will. If anyone has an interest in such a thing, let me know and I'll get crankin' on starting one up.
The Fu is interested in such an endeavour.
Posted by
paul |
6:23 PM
Cool site!
Jim and I often check Cartoon Retro, , which is a site run by Shane Glines, . There are some great illustrators out there.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:53 PM
guess I should have used tags:
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:55 PM
Cartoon Retro
Shane Glines
too much dreamweaver makes your html skills tired...
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:02 PM
I rock:
Cartoon Retro
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:06 PM