Retro Post
While I've been digging through the crawl space in my old room (which is going to be my new room in under a month), I found a couple of items that brought back some memories for me ...

This is me, probably on Christmas day, riding my brand new General Lee big wheel. That thing flew like lightening. All the kids on the block raced once, most on big wheels, but there was even a bicycle involved. The General and I came out on top. Good times. I like looking at pictures from my "skinny days" too.

Ahhh, the cottage. In addition to living here for 4 years, there were many a "boys night out" and some cookouts on the deck with some fiery goodness here as well. My family has since tore it down and put up a beautiful new house that my grandfather lives in. It's nice, but sometimes I look fondly back at some of those weekends we spent there, and I miss the old "lean to". 2 words, lubrication box.

Holy crap, Batman the videogame. Anyone who's known me for a while probably knows the lore behind this game. Batman infuriated soooo much that I took it out of my NES, beat it up, immersed it in water(which they tell you NOT to do right on the back of the game), and stapled it. So help me God, I stapled that son of a bitch. And you know what, the game still worked. I couldn't kill it. When I came across this in the crawl space, one thing came to mind. I had put so much effort into to killing this game, and hated it with such a passion, yet as of this day, its the only cartridge for the Nintendo Entertainment System that I still own. I don't know if it still works, but I have a feeling this game will outlast me.

This is me, probably on Christmas day, riding my brand new General Lee big wheel. That thing flew like lightening. All the kids on the block raced once, most on big wheels, but there was even a bicycle involved. The General and I came out on top. Good times. I like looking at pictures from my "skinny days" too.

Ahhh, the cottage. In addition to living here for 4 years, there were many a "boys night out" and some cookouts on the deck with some fiery goodness here as well. My family has since tore it down and put up a beautiful new house that my grandfather lives in. It's nice, but sometimes I look fondly back at some of those weekends we spent there, and I miss the old "lean to". 2 words, lubrication box.

Holy crap, Batman the videogame. Anyone who's known me for a while probably knows the lore behind this game. Batman infuriated soooo much that I took it out of my NES, beat it up, immersed it in water(which they tell you NOT to do right on the back of the game), and stapled it. So help me God, I stapled that son of a bitch. And you know what, the game still worked. I couldn't kill it. When I came across this in the crawl space, one thing came to mind. I had put so much effort into to killing this game, and hated it with such a passion, yet as of this day, its the only cartridge for the Nintendo Entertainment System that I still own. I don't know if it still works, but I have a feeling this game will outlast me.