Monday, April 18, 2005 

Let's make "Weird Al" a star

I've been a fan of Al since the 3rd grade. To think that other less deserving "stars" have been honored with a star on the Hollywood walk of fame, yet "Weird Al" Yankovic has not, is a tragedy. is raising money to get Al a star on the walk of fame. I've contributed 10 bucks to the cause, and I encourage everyone to back me up on this and give something, be it only a dollar, but something. "Weird Al" truly does deserve a star, let's help him out.


Friday, April 08, 2005 

So long, webcam

I've decided to put an end to the webcam. The novelty of it has worn off. To be perfectly honest, I did it just to see if I could. And I will admit, it was kind of neat to have at times, I had even exchanged a couple of emails with someone in Spain who saw the webcam(como estas, Alex). But I hardly turn the damn thing on anymore. It also sucks up some serious bandwidth if there's a lot of viewers. So, to reduce sidebar clutter, I'm doing away with it. Bu-bye, webcam!


Friday, April 01, 2005 

delineature launched

My community webfolio has become a reality. Now if I can only get people to contribute towards it on a regular basis, I could call it a success. Come on gang, help me out!


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