Wednesday, October 26, 2005 

I hate to admit it ...

But Lugz has a point about Apple ripping off one of Lugz's ads with their new iPod commercial featuring Slim Shady. When I first saw this mentioned on Cult of Mac, I thought it was just because of the color scheme. After watching both videos back to back, the similarities are astounding. Especially the use of moving arrows. For shame Apple, do your homework. I know you probably had an outside firm do the spot for you. But when the 2 ads look so similar, someone should be doing a little research before these things reach the general public. And biting ideas off of someone else, that's such a Microsoft thing to do.


Saturday, October 01, 2005 

The Big E and Retro Post 2

So I went to the Big E a few days ago with my lovely girlfriend, Laura (pictured below with Lorenzo Llamas), and I have to say that the deep fried Oreos are everything I thought they could be.


Now, continuing with my retro theme, I found a couple more old pictures while cleaning out my room. The first one is me on a Christmas morning (probably around'82). And if you weren't sure if I was an OG geek from way back, just take a gander at me holding my brand new copy of Pac-Man for my brand new Atari 5200 whilst wearing my Pac-Man PJs.


And here's a shot from that same day, probably only a few hours later. It's me and my Grandpa playing Pac-Man on the 5200 (dig that Zenith, baby). Note the Pac-Man tabletop arcade game in the foreground. I think it can be said without refute that I had Pac-Man fever.



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