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Friday, February 11, 2005 

My crippling addiction

Hello my name is Dan ::crowded room responds "hello Dan":: and I'm addicted to gadgets. Its all so very true. My one true weakness. Gizmos, tech gear, geek accessories, whatever you want to call them, they are my Achilles heel. Case in point, not less than 3 months ago I bought myself a T-Mobile Sidekick II, which I've enjoyed the hell out of and highly recommend. But already I've grown tired of it. So what am I to do? Well, I bought myself a palmOne Treo 650. What's wrong with me, can't I ever be satisfied with the not-so-green grass on this side of the fence? Anyhow, the good news is it looks like its already on the fedex truck to be delivered today. Maybe as early as tomorrow I'll have that bad boy fired up and runnin'. What's this all mean to anyone reading this? Slightly better looking pictures on my MoBlog, and ... umm, that's pretty much it. CURSE YOU, TECHNOLOGY!


:: UPDATE ::
It has arrived, its charging, and holy crap its actually smaller than my sidekick. I've yet to delve into what it can do, but already I'm in love.



Hello, as you can see this is my first post here.
Hope to get some help from you if I will have some quesitons.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)

Whats up everybody, I just signed up on this great forum and wanted to say howdy! Have a amazing day!

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